Candidates Announced as COVID-19 Risks Rise
The House of Representatives and election organizers decided not to postpone the 2020 regional elections (Pilkada)
JAKARTA, KOMPAS β After the government, the House of Representatives and election organizers decided not to postpone the 2020 regional elections (Pilkada), the Regional General Election Commission is scheduled to announce the candidates and their running mates on Wednesday for the upcoming regional elections. This will take place at a time when the risks of coronavirus transmission have increased given the growing number of COVID-19 cases.
The latest Election Vulnerability Index (IKP) of the 2020 regional election released by the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) on Tuesday (22/9) shows a significant increase in the number of regions categorized as high risk. In the June 2020 vulnerability index data, 27 regencies/cities were categorized as high risk. However, after the update in September, 50 regencies/regencies were categorized as high risk.