The Long Road to Economic Recovery
We must be careful. If there is no second wave of the pandemic -- hopefully true -- our economy will touch its lowest point in the second quarter.
He opened his helmet. Sweat ran down his face. The online motorcycle taxi (ojol) driver later handed me the food package I ordered. "Thank you," I said. He nodded. I do not know what was on his mind. Maybe he was anxious, or hoped that economy would reopen soon, then recover.
Perhaps he was one of those whose voices were represented in a survey conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) on 18-20 June. The survey discloses that: more and more people are of the opinion that the economic situation will be better next year. There is hope even though the threat of the outbreak still haunts. Is that right? What is the trajectory of economic recovery? What should be done?