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EnglishLayered Test for Dream College

Layered Test for Dream College

Thousands of prospective students willingly travel across regions and fulfill layers of prerequisites while overcome with anxiety to get into their dream colleges.

Saiful Rijal Yunus & Mediana
· 1 menit baca

Nurfadillah (18) equips herself with layered protection before attending the UTBK-SNMPTN at Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Sunday (5/7/2020). In the midst of a pandemic, more than 700,000 prospective students throughout Indonesia took the exam with multiple examinations.

Thousands of prospective students willingly travel across regions and fulfill layers of prerequisites while overcome with anxiety to get into their dream colleges. Participating in the state university entrance test during the Covid-19 pandemic feels like risking health for the sake of a better future.

At midday on Sunday (5/7/2020), 18-year-old Nurfadillah was sitting quietly in front of the examination room at Halu Oleo University’s (UHO) School of Agriculture in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. The computer-based exam (UTBK) for the joint state university entrance test (SBMPTN) will start in two hours. She had arrived early to avoid missing the test.
