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EnglishFive Decades of Kompas’...

Five Decades of Kompas’ Dedication to Language

The press is a public reference and example for the proper and correct use of the Indonesian language.

Debora Laksmi Indraswari
· 1 menit baca

Kompas wins an award for Dedicated Print Media at the 2019 Language and Literature Month\'s Peak Event. The award was given by the head of the Language and Book Development Agency of the Education and Culture Ministry, Dadang Sunendar (right) to the Deputy Editor in Chief of Kompas, Tri Agung Kristanto (left) in Jakarta, Monday (28/10/2019).

The press is a public reference and example for the proper and correct use of the Indonesian language. For five decades, the Kompas daily has played a role in preserving the national language of bahasa Indonesia.

Amid the many mistakes in the use of the Indonesian language, the mass media plays an important role in correcting, preserving and developing the national language. For five decades, the Kompas daily has contributed to maintaining and developing the Indonesian language through its wide-ranging coverage of various sectors.
