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Uncertainty Still Shrouds Funding of 2020 Regional Elections

It remains uncertain whether or not the government will provide all the additional budgetary funds requested for the upcoming 2020 regional elections due to the implementation of the health protocol.

RINI KUSTIASIH/Ingki Rinaldi/Dian Dewi Purnamasari
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A view of a hearing between House of Representatives Commission II and members of the General Elections Commission, Elections Supervisory Body and the Elections Organizer Ethics Council at the House building on 30 March 2020. The meeting agreed to postpone the regional elections in 2020.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – It remains uncertain whether or not the government will provide all the additional budgetary funds requested for the upcoming 2020 regional elections due to the implementation of the health protocol to prevent Covid-19 transmission .

The government has agreed to meet only Rp 1.02 trillion (US$71.60 million) of the Rp 5.2 trillion increase proposed by the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).

Syahnan Rangkuti