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Reopening Schools to Depend on Covid-19 Task Force

The Education and Culture Ministry has reaffirmed that reopening the nation’s schools will depend on the recommendations of the national Covid-19 task force.

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SD Negeri Petukangan Selatan 03/05 state elementary school in Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Thursday (21/5/2020).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The Education and Culture Ministry has reaffirmed that reopening the nation’s schools will depend on the recommendations of the national Covid-19 task force, in keeping with the principle that the safety and health of children remains the top priorities.

“[We will] wait for the national Covid-19 task force to make a decision on the scenario for reopening schools. We have to be synchronized to avoid any [policy] overlap,” the ministry’s acting director general for early, elementary and secondary education, Hamid Muhammad, said in Jakarta on Tuesday (26/5/2020).

Syahnan Rangkuti