Covid-19 Pandemic Cleanses Earth
Five million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the atmosphere every hour. The condition has made global warming unstoppable to pose a real threat to human civilization.
Five million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) are released into the atmosphere every hour, pushing the Earth’s climate close to the tipping point. The condition has made global warming unstoppable to pose a real threat to human civilization.
Global Systems Institute director Timothy M. Lenton and his team at the UK’s University of Exeter presented evidence that the Earth has passed the climate tipping point in the 27 Nov. 2019 issue of Nature. Nine out of the 15 tipping points in the planet\'s climate system were now “active”, including the permafrost, the Amazon rainforest, the Greenland ice sheet, Arctic sea ice and the Atlantic Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation.