Teachers Go Around Villages to Give Lessons
in a number of areas, the distance learning system is difficult to implement. Teachers often have to go around the villages to give lessons.

A number of students of SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta came to the school to borrow tablets for online learning, in Yogyakarta, Monday (27/4/2020).
For people in urban areas, distance learning or online learning carried our amid the COVID-19 outbreak generally faces no problems because there is good internet connection and other facilities. However, in a number of areas, this distance learning system is difficult to implement. Teachers often have to go around the villages to give lessons.
For Dodi Riana (37), a teacher at Jayamekar State Elementary School, Bantaka Village, Muaracikadu village, Sindangbarang district, Cianjur regency, West Java, online learning is a new experience that is not easy. Some residents in the area, including the families of their students, are often trapped in poverty and many other social problems.