Kartini Day Amid Covid-19
Kartini Day on April 21 this year should be used as a moment to look at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women.
Raden Ajeng Kartini poster painted on the wall of the house on Jalan Halim Perdana Kusuma, Tangerang City, Sunday (12/4/2020). Kartini is known as a pioneer of women\'s emancipation in Indonesia, especially fighting for the right to education for women. April 21 is celebrated as Kartini Day.
Kartini Day on April 21 this year should be used as a moment to look at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women.
Kartini Day is usually commemorated to view the position of women in the family, community and society, besides also remembering Raden Ajeng Kartini, who wanted women to have economic independence in equality.