The Fate of College Students from Out of Town
The Covid-19 pandemic opens our eyes that many college students in Indonesia are vulnerable to crisis situations. However, many generous people are ready to help.
A man looks at the list of names of students of the State Islamic University who received a free meal program posted in front of Warung Sardi, Campus 1 area of UIN Jakarta, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Tuesday (07/4/2020). Free food packages for students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic provided by the Social Trust Fund of UIN Jakarta in collaboration with several food stalls in Ciputat.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted countless lives, including college students from out of town. Some of them are experiencing difficulties to obtain enough food during the pandemic.
“We only have 1 kilogram of rice left. It’s only enough for two meals for five people in my kosan [rooming house]. We only eat once a day to make it enough,” said Jamaludin, a Madurese student at Jakarta’s Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), in Ciputat, South Tangerang, Banten, on Friday (3/4/2020). Jamaludin picked vegetables, such as chili pepper and mustard greens, which he had planted in his rooming house’s backyard.