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EnglishWhen Classrooms Move to Homes

When Classrooms Move to Homes

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. Children used to study at school peacefully. Now, in order to reduce crowds that are vulnerable to COVID-19 coronavirus transmission

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Kompas/Hendra A Setyawan

The home study policy set by the government regarding the covid-19 outbreak was used by Al Azhar 15 Pamulang Elementary School, South Tangerang, Banten to hold online teaching and learning activities, on Tuesday (17/3/2020). Students and teachers utilize the googleclassroom application for study rooms and zoom cloud meetings for teleconferences.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. Children used to study at school peacefully. Now, in order to reduce crowds that are vulnerable to COVID-19 coronavirus transmission, many schools suspended the teaching in classrooms and replaced it with “home schooling”. However, the implementation is not always easy.

On a bright Tuesday morning (17/3/2020), Titi, 33, a housewife in Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten, had just accompanied her daughter Noura, 5, as she studied. It was relaxed. The first grader at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah As Salaamah elementary school wore an outfit showing a picture of Elsa, a character in the movie Frozen.
