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EnglishPeople With Covid-19 Can Be...

People With Covid-19 Can Be Cured

Let’s take a break from our struggles against the new coronavirus. We need to be grateful for the three Covid-19 patients who have been cured.

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Kompas/Wawan H Prabowo

The government’s appointed spokesman on the novel coronavirus, Achmad Yurianto, discloses the latest global and national developments on the spread of COVID-19 on Friday (6/3/2020) at the COVID-19 Integrated Information Center at the Presidential Staff Office in Jakarta. Yurianto said that Indonesia had four confirmed cases of the disease on Friday, and that four of the 25 people who had contact with the coronavirus patients had been determined as close contacts.

Let’s take a break from our struggles against the new coronavirus. We need to be grateful for the three Covid-19 patients who have been cured.

We are heartened to hear that people do not need to panic because the disease can be overcome by increasing endurance and a healthy lifestyle. Patients identified as Cases 1, 2, and 3 tested positive for Covid-19 earlier this month and received treatment for more than two weeks at the RSPI Sulianti Saroso Hospital in Jakarta.
