Behind the Sultan’s Baju Takwa and Kuluk Kanigoro
Dutch King Willem-Alexander visit the Yogyakarta Palace. Behind the implied meaning of the Sultan’s dress, the people are hoping that the meeting was much more than just about maintaining good relations.
Dutch King Willem-Alexander (second from left) accompanied by Queen Maxima took a photo together with Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, who was accompanied by his wife, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas, Wednesday (11/3/2020), in front of Gedhong Jene Keraton Yogyakarta.
There is a lot to take in from the meeting between Yogyakarta’s Sultan Hamengku Buwono X (HB X) and Dutch King Willem-Alexander on Wednesday (11/3/2020). Through the royal dress he wore, the sultan sought to pay deeper respect to Willem-Alexander, who had visited Yogyakarta along with his mother, then-Queen Beatrix, 25 years ago.
Sultan HB X was waiting for the arrival of Dutch King Willem-Alexander and his wife Queen Maxima on Wednesday. Not far from where he was standing, dozens of Bregada Mantrijero soldiers stood in line on the sand courtyard inside the Yogyakarta Palace complex. They wore full military uniform with weapons, flags and music instruments. Despite the scorching sun, the soldiers kept on standing by the Regol Danapratapa gate.