Indonesia to Mitigate Covid-19 Outbreak’s Economic Effects
Economic uncertainty due to the Covid-19 outbreak has led to troubles in global financial markets. Mitigation steps are being taken to curb the effects on the national economy.
An employee works in front of monitors at the Indonesia Stock Exchange in Jakarta on Friday (28/2/2020). The Jakarta Composite Index dropped 1.5 percent, 82.99 points, to 5,452.70 at the closing. The index dropped on six consecutive days due to pressures from other stock exchanges amid Covid-19 fears.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Investors are leaving the stock market in droves in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak triggered by the new coronavirus. Apart from Indonesia, a similar trend is occurring globally. The government, the central bank and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) have taken several mitigation steps to curb the effects of Covid-19 on the national economy.
Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo said in his office in Jakarta on Friday (28/2/2020) that uncertainties due to Covid-19 had caused global financial markets to suffer. Foreign investors tend to “play safely” and withdraw their capital from portfolio investments, including in Indonesia.