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EnglishFreedom Campus

Freedom Campus

A few months after his appointment, the uproar came just after Mas Minister (a term that makes me uncomfortable, but most people call him that now) conveyed his main ideas about the “freedom campus”.

Ketut Buda Artana
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As I begin to write this article, I admit that I am among the people who are surprised by and excited about the appointment of Nadiem Makarim, a young man (at least younger than me), as the Education and Culture Minister of the Republic of Indonesia. The position used to be considered sacred, belonging to former rectors or at least lecturers.

A few months after his appointment, the uproar came just after Mas Minister (a term that makes me uncomfortable, but most people call him that now) conveyed his main ideas about the “freedom campus”. The Minister\'s four main ideas entered into discourse, ranging from serious discussions to jokes about the style of the Whatsapp group.
