The Twilight Watchman’s Elegy of Longing
Ujang Safaat, 44, is fighting to conserve the last bamboo forest that is home to the wild bird species. He is like a night watchman, walking alone along a quiet, twilit path.
Ujang Safaat
The pace of property development in the city of Bandung is increasingly threatening the ecosystem of blekok (pond heron) and kuntul kerbau (cattle egret). Ujang Safaat, 44, is fighting to conserve the last bamboo forest that is home to the wild bird species. He is like a night watchman, walking alone along a quiet, twilit path.
The creak of bamboo trees rubbing against each other in the wind welcomed Ujang home in mid-November to Rancabayawak village in Gedebage, Bandung municipality, West Java. The bamboo forest shaded him from the noon heat.