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EnglishGovernment’s Decisive Step in ...

Government’s Decisive Step in Responding to IS

The government has decided not to repatriate people from Indonesia who are considered to be involved in the Islamic State group.

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President Joko Widodo (center right) speaks to reporters on Wednesday (12/2/2020) at the State Palace in Jakarta, stating the Indonesian government’s policy stance that it does not repatriate cross-border terrorists.

The government has decided not to repatriate people from Indonesia who are considered to be involved in the Islamic State group.This decisive step was taken as an effort to provide security to all the people of Indonesia – home to 267 million people – because the government considered them foreign terrorist fighters.

Nevertheless, the government is still paying attention to the human aspect, as it will consider the possibility of repatriating children under the age of 10 or those who were orphaned. This is in line with the call of the United Nations Security Council.
