Journeying Thousands of Kilometers for a Cure
People with cancer are racing against time for therapy. Unfortunately, few regions have adequate facilities, forcing many patients to travel thousands of kilometers to Jakarta to increase their chances of recovery.
Sulistiani, 39, did not think much when the doctor in her home regency of Pandeglang, Banten, referred her son to the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM) in Jakarta. The two departed for Jakarta. Her son Fahmi, 11, needed immediate medical therapy after he was diagnosed with late-stage osteosarcoma or bone cancer.
At first, there was only a bump on Fahmiโs right leg. At the time, the boy was taken to a traditional massage therapist as he was afraid to go to a doctor. He then underwent a bekam (wet cupping) treatment. The bump was also treated with binahong leaves (Madeira-vine or Anredera coldifolia) on the advice of several people. However, the bump remained.