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Business Models Tested as Investors more Selective

The period of growth and development of a start-up is relatively long. There is a period of time spent to acquire users and there is a time to increase revenue projection and to make a profit.

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Indonesia’s start-up company executives speak about the future of the start-up sector during Ngeteh Sore Bersama Kompas (Afternoon Tea with Kompas) at Kompas Tower in Jakarta on Tuesday (21/1/2020). Speaking at the discussion were DailySocial.id CEO Rama Mamuaya (left), Tokopedia cofounder Leontinus Alpha Edison (second left) and Telkomsel Mitra Inovasi CEO Andi Kristianto.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Start-ups in the digital world, like companies in other business sectors, must have strong fundamentals to ensure a long-term growth. Investors are becoming more selective in investing in start-ups.

That was one of the points raised in an afternoon discussion titled The Future of Indonesia\'s Pioneer Business, which was held by Kompas at the Menara Kompas building, Jakarta, on Tuesday (01/21/2020). Speakers at the discussion were among others, Tokopedia founder Leontinus Alpha Edison, CEO of Telkomsel Mitra Inovasi, Andi Kristianto, and CEO of Dailysocial.id, Rama Mamuaya.

Syahnan Rangkuti