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Independent on Unproductive Land

Residents of Nibung village in Central Bangka regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, refuse to let the existence of former tin mining sites in the area — which leave pools of water everywhere — affect their lives.

Rhama Purna Jati/Sucipto/Jumarto Yulianus
· 1 menit baca

A man stands above Kolong Biru, on Friday (10/1/2020) in Central Bangka regency. Also called Lake Kaolin, the local community converted a former mine into a tourist destination.

Residents of Nibung village in Central Bangka regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, refuse to let the existence of former tin mining sites in the area — which leave pools of water everywhere — affect their lives. Instead, they’ve had amazing results from turning the unexploited land into tourist attractions.

Andri, 68, a traveler from Bandung regency, West Java, was fascinated by the beauty of two lakes in the Kolong Biru tourist objects in Nibung village, Koba district, Central Bangka regency, Bangka-Belitung province, on Jan. 10 (10/1/2020). On the white quartz sand, Andri\'s footprints were imprinted.

Syahnan Rangkuti