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EnglishAnticipating Climate Change’s ...

Anticipating Climate Change’s Social and Economic Impacts

The latest report from McKinsey shows that these leaders’ failures in calculating the impacts of climate change could result in financial losses of trillions of US dollars and threaten hundreds of millions of lives.

Ahmad Arif
· 1 menit baca

Young people and environmentalists participate in an environmental change campaign called "Climate Strike" in Jakarta, Friday (20/9/2019).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Government and business leaders have been urged to adapt to the Earth’s uncertain conditions caused by the climate crisis. The latest report from McKinsey shows that these leaders’ failures in calculating the impacts of climate change could result in financial losses of trillions of US dollars and threaten hundreds of millions of lives.

“Much as thinking about information systems and cyber-risks has become integrated into corporate and public-sector decision making, climate change and its resulting risks will also need to feature as a major factor in decisions,” McKinsey Global Institute director and McKinsey Shanghai senior partner Jonathan Woetzel said in a written statement that accompanied the report’s publication on Thursday (16/1/2020).

Syahnan Rangkuti