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Englishβ€ΊWisdom at the Edge of Twilight...

Wisdom at the Edge of Twilight on 2019

If you face the western horizon later this evening, there is a chance you can watch the sun set slowly. This is also the title of the song Quanno Tramonta β€˜O Sole.

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A worker records the beauty of the twilight background of the Jakarta city landscape at sunset in the western horizon of the capital on Monday (30/12/2019). By the end of 2019, various achievements had been reached. But a number shortcomings must be corrected next year.

Most likely it will be quiet, allowing those who witness the daily phenomenon to become lost in thought. Religious naturalists will recognize the greatness of the Creator. Those fond of astronomy will realize that the Earth has completed one rotation in that one moment. Later in the evening, the sun will set on the 2019 calendar year.

Then a new year will arrive yet again. However, this can also be extrapolated as a broader time scale, known as an astronomical year. This concept visualizes another dimension of time through astronomical events according to the Copernican system: the movement of the Earth around its parent star, the Sun.

Syahnan Rangkuti