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Guaranteeing Rights of Disabled Persons

Indonesia is home to 21.84 million people with disabilities who are yet to enjoy their civil rights and are therefore unable to fully contribute to society.

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Disabled barista Eko Sugeng prepares a cup of coffee at the Cupable Coffee cafe in the Yakkum Rehabilitation Center complex, Ngaglik district, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Dec. 11 (11/12/2019). The cafe is also a training facility for people with disabilities who wish to become baristas. The training helps them remain productive and independent.

Indonesia has a sizable population of disabled persons at 8.56 percent of the population, according to the 2015 Inter-census Population Survey of Statistics Indonesia (BPS).

Law No. 8/2016 on disabled persons covers five types of disabilities: physical, mental, sensory, intellectual and multiple. The term “disabled persons” is used to define those people who experience obstructions in interacting with their surroundings over a prolonged period and difficulties in contributing fully and effectively as citizens under equal rights.

Syahnan Rangkuti