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Training Must Always be Productive and Useful

Anggi, 23, as she prefers to be called, was enthusiastic as she followed the instructions of a trainer in a vocational therapy class on hydroponics

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Caregiver Yuliansyah Yanim (in yellow jacket) holds schizophrenia patient M. Abdul Fahri to calm him from an earlier rage on Wednesday (2/10/2019) at the Istana KSJ mental health center in Ciarnjur, West Java.

Anggi, 23, as she prefers to be called, was enthusiastic as she followed the instructions of a trainer in a vocational therapy class on hydroponics, held last week at the psychosocial rehabilitation clinic of Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital (RSMM) in Bogor, West Java. She displayed dexterity in her movements.

She also readily helped other patients follow the trainer’s instructions. “Only the long seedlings are to be moved, Pak. The short ones fail, don’t move them,” she told Yudi (not his real name), 45, as they transplanting bok choy seedlings from Rockwool, a hydroponic planting medium, to net pots.
