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Outside of Our Memory

The opposition will be tested by the question of how the control is implemented and for what it is carried out. Without healthy opposition, the critical situation that leads to violence will continue to be repeated.

Agus Muhammad
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At that time the capital city was in critical condition. Almost every day there were demonstrations, especially by students.

Many people demanded that K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur), the president at that time, resign. Gus Dur was really in a difficult situation. Moreover, the mass media voiced much more interest in the opposition than the president so that the image of the president was really on the edge. Followers of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) were angry. Many had suggested that there should be a counter demo. However, Gus Dur refused. When the situation had become increasingly critical, several groups within the NU prepared troops to defend Gus Dur. Gus Dur was again prohibited. Gus Dur responded with a phrase that was later very well known: "There is no power worth defending with bloodshed." Gus Dur was impeached without a drop of blood flowing.

Nasru Alam Aziz