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Anticipating Yearend Price Fluctuation

The prices of unhusked rice and rice has continued to increase over the past five months. The government needs to anticipate fluctuating rice prices from the end of 2019 until early 2020.

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Paddy fields at Jatisari district, Karawang regency, West Java, are ready for harvest on Tuesday (1/10/2019). Farmers in the district are counting the days for their harvest.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The prices of unhusked rice and rice has continued to increase over the past five months. In addition to the decrease in supply from the end of the harvest season, the price increase is also caused by the reduced area of rice paddies that can be harvested due to drought. The government needs to anticipate fluctuating rice prices from the end of 2019 until early 2020.

Statistics Indonesia (BPS) recorded 0.27 percent deflation in September, mainly contributed by a decline in the food price index. However, a number of commodities showed increased prices that contributed to inflation, which included rice, Chinese mustard and spinach.

Nasru Alam Aziz