The Prestige of Pamurbaya Mangrove
Suratno, 46, together with the Truno Djoyo Pond Farmers Group, has worked hard since 2011 to restore the mangrove forest ecosystem. The destruction of the coastal environment in Wonorejo village, Rungkut, Surabaya city, was like a bad dream. In the past, this area was the backbone of the lives of local residents, many of whom relied on sea and pond products.
Initially, Suratno, the head of the farmers group, planted mangroves around Wonorejo, his residence area. Over time, the planting activity expanded to other villages and districts. Mangrove seedlings were originally donated from companies, campuses and environmental conservation organizations. Not long after, members of Truno Djoyo involved various groups, such as students, lecturers, employees of donor companies and members of conservation groups, participating in the planting. They all replanted mangrove seeds in the damaged land.