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EnglishIn the Dusty Land, Zohri Was...

In the Dusty Land, Zohri Was “Born”

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is the birthplace of talented runners. They achieve glory amid limitations, especially in the lack of proper athletics facilities. NTB has a long history of athletics. It all began with long-distance runner Ismail Abidin, who is now 88.

Adrian Fajriansyah
· 1 menit baca

Two athletes of the West Nusa Tenggara Student Education and Training Center (PPLP NTB) train on Saturday (18/5/2019) at a dilapidated training facility in the provincial capital Mataram. The province produces many athletics athletes, despite the poor condition of its training centers.

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) is the birthplace of talented runners. They achieve glory amid limitations, especially in the lack of proper athletics facilities.

“On this red and dusty soil, Lalu Muhammad Zohri trained. This place is dusty in the dry season and muddy in the rainy season, making it difficult for us to train. If the conditions were better, new Zohris may have been born every year,” NTB students education and training center’s (PPLP) sprint trainer Made Budiasa said on the sidelines of a training session at the PPLP in Mataram. Made was a former national sprinter.
