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Efforts to Combat Hoaxes

Efforts to combat the wave of baseless news and hoaxes must be conducted seriously and systematically because it can get out of control. The Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society, earlier this week gave the idea of encouraging the mass media and wider community to fight hoaxes.

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Civil servants of the Home Ministry take part in a joint rally to call for a successful 2019 election and reject campaigns containing hate speech, hoaxes and slander at the ministry complex, Jakarta, Friday (22/3/2019).

Efforts to combat the wave of baseless news and hoaxes must be conducted seriously and systematically because it can get out of control.

As a suggestion, the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo), earlier this week gave the idea of encouraging the mass media and wider community to fight hoaxes. The threat of false news is truly worrying. Mafindo\'s research results illustrate how the hoax epidemic has increased rapidly in the last two years in Indonesia.
