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Choosing a President

Abdillah Toha
ยท 1 menit baca

Indonesian pencak silat athlete and Asian Games gold medalist Hanifan Yudani Kusumah celebrates his joy by embracing President Joko โ€œJokowiโ€ Widodo and the general chairman of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI), Prabowo Subianto, at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, on Aug. 29.

The current long period of presidential election campaign has spent time and drained our energy. In its process, there is no picture about the lives of ordinary people who will get the benefit. On the contrary, the lengthy debate during this campaign period has to some extent harmed all of us by destroying the basis of community harmony and disrupting citizen reasoning.

The main cause is the fact that the campaign has shifted from a battle of ideas and programs to an awful debate that highlights the black campaign against the opponent\'s ugliness and the superficial greatness of the candidates being supported. This is our current democracy that can and has resulted in a part of the people becoming saturated and longing for other systems, if any, which are expected to be able to provide more certainty. If the condition is like this, then what will be taken as a consideration for citizens to elect the president?
