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Englishโ€บ2019: A Year of Challenges

2019: A Year of Challenges

Ninuk Mardiana Pambudy
ยท 1 menit baca

Indonesian pencak silat athlete and Asian Games gold medalist Hanifan Yudani Kusumah celebrates his joy by embracing President Joko โ€œJokowiโ€ Widodo and the general chairman of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI), Prabowo Subianto, at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, on Aug. 29.

The year 2019 will not be easy in terms of the economy, and it will also be the first time the legislative and presidential elections will be held simultaneously. The people should have the maturity and social capability to overcome any conflicts that may occur.

The new year is coming soon. We have already passed through 2018, which has been full of dynamics, stemming from both within the country and the international world. To welcome the new year, Kompas will be presenting a series of articles on the opportunities and challenges awaiting Indonesia in 2019, published in the first 20 pages of the daily newspaper.
