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Englishβ€ΊPreserving Old Movie Theaters

Preserving Old Movie Theaters

The history of \'layar tancap\' and movie theaters of the 1970s is nearly forgotten. It may be unimaginable that almost 50 years later, Harkopo Lie continues to preserve old movie projectors and other antique equipment that revives nostalgia for the bygone days of old.

Irma Tambunan
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Harkopo Lie

The history of layar tancap (traditional outdoor film screenings) and movie theaters of the 1970s is nearly forgotten. It may be unimaginable that almost 50 years later, 59-year-old Harkopo Lie continues to preserve old movie projectors and other antique equipment that revives nostalgia for the bygone days of old.

Through the Jambi Cinema Culture Festival, which was held from Nov. 21 to 30, Harkopo has brought back nostalgia for old movie theaters to the present. Dozens of decades-old movie projectors can be viewed at his cinema museum in the Hayam Wuruk area of Jambi city, complete with film reels.
