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Forestry Leadership in the Millennial Era

The world has been busy with the emergence of the generations of the new millennium: Generation Y, those born in 1981-1994, followed by Generation Z, born in 1995-2010. Members of Generation Y have started to emerge in the upper middle class to play a significant role in Indonesia’s forestry.

Transtoto Handadhari
· 1 menit baca

Tesso Nilo National Park

The world has been busy with the emergence of the generations of the new millennium: Generation Y, those born in 1981-1994, followed by Generation Z, born in 1995-2010. Members of Generation Y have started to emerge in the upper middle class to play a significant role in Indonesia’s forestry. However, the top leadership is apparently still trapped in the hierarchical structure, do not like to listen, and prefer seminars and self-publicity.

The forestry leadership, especially those hailing from politics, has an orientation that has become a public secret: they are less committed to sustainable forestry and are focused only on power and accumulating political capital. Their poor comprehension of forestry means that they do not pay much attention or support the work of middle-tier civil servants and leaders, where the members of Generation Y have begun to emerge. This condition has caused an imbalance and disconnect in forest management policies and practices.
