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Preliminary Investigation Report to be Published Late November

The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has said that it will publish a preliminary report of its investigation into the crash of Lion Air flight JT-610 in late November. A part of the flight recorder that was recovered on Thursday is being examined at the KNKT’s laboratory.

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Part of a flight recorder of a crashed Lion Air plane is found in Karawang waters, Karawang regency, West Java, by divers from Taifib, an elite reconnaissance unit of the Navy, on Thursday (1/11/2018).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has said that it will publish a preliminary report of its investigation into the crash of Lion Air flight JT610 in late November. “The report will be publicly accessible. It will contain only facts and data without any analysis or conclusion,” said KNKT investigator Ony Soerjo Wibowo in Jakarta on Thursday (1/11/2018).

Ony said both black boxes, namely the flight data recorder (FDR) and the cockpit voice recorder (CVR), would be required for investigation. If only one is recovered, the KNKT will try to find other data sources.
