Fulfilling Her Promise of Education
As a teacher, Sawinah, 53, strives to fulfill her promise to educate students, whatever the circumstances. The disaster that recently struck Central Sulawesi has again tested her dedication.
As a teacher, Sawinah, 53, strives to fulfill her promise to educate students, whatever the circumstances. The disaster that recently struck Central Sulawesi has again tested her dedication.
At 11:00 a.m. Indonesia Central Standard Time on Monday (22/10/2018), teaching and learning activities ended for the day at SMPN 21 Petobo state junior high school in Palu, Central Sulawesi. Post-disaster school hours start at 8:00 a.m. and last only three hours. No formal education materials are available to provide to the students. There are no books. Only a few students wore uniforms. Teacher-student interactions focus on alleviating the studentsโ trauma. One activity carried out routinely each morning is an earthquake emergency drill in which the students flee the buildings and run out into an open field.