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EnglishGuardian of the Jungle

Guardian of the Jungle

Ichwan Susanto
· 1 menit baca


The large-scale hunt for hornbill concerns Misno. He became even more alarmed to know that various nets were being put around Mount Leuser National Park to catch Sumatran tigers. In response, he launched an initiative to save these animals from extinction.

Misno, a man with a short name, was introduced to journalists by the Sumatran Tiger Project when he arrived at the office of Section V Bukit Lawang in Langkat, North Sumatra. At that time, Misno arrived with his six subordinates in the Patroli Smart team. They were Jansen Christopher Ginting, a non-permanent staff member at Mount Leuser National Park; Ibnu Hijar, a civilian police partner (MMP), Ali Mansyah, a MMP, Eriyanto, a volunteer, Bram Umbari, a non-permanent staff member and Heri Kiswanto, a volunteer. Misno’s team was said to be the “smartest” among the 25 Patroli Smart teams in Mount Leuser National Park.
