Guerrilla Innovation in Developing National Electric Car
Engineers are working tirelessly on developing a national car, despite the lack of regulatory support. At the dawn of the electric vehicle era, many are engaging in guerilla work to achieve national independence in the production of electric cars.
Engineers are working tirelessly on developing a national car, despite the lack of regulatory support. At the dawn of the electric vehicle era, many are engaging in guerilla work to achieve national independence in the production of electric cars.
Nur Yunarto and his team at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) in Surabaya are diligently working to develop an electric vehicle. Automotive researchers at the University of Indonesia (UI) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) are conducting separate research on electric cars and buses. At Surakartaโs Sebelas Maret University (UNS), automotive researchers are getting ready to produce battery cells as part of the domestic manufacturing industry of electric vehicles.