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Science and Technology for Sustainability of the Nation

In the midst of the lack of news about the commemoration of National Technology Day, a statement by Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister reminded of the importance of having a national policy on mastering science, technology and innovation.

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Indonesiaโ€™s fifth president, Megawati Soekarnoputri, along with third president BJ Habibie (right), leave their signatures after speaking at a national dialogue entitled "Improving Science and Technology Innovation to Encourage Domestic Industry, Creating Pancasila Economy". The national dialogue was held by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) in Jakarta, Wednesday (9/5/2018). The national dialogue gave birth to a joint commitment, namely to support Indonesia to become an industrialized country based on national research and innovation.

We recently commemorated the 23rd National Technology Day with the determination to improve the mastery of science and technology and encourage innovation in the era of Industrial 4.0.

In the midst of the lack of news about the commemoration of National Technology Day on Aug. 10, a statement by Research, Technology and Higher Education Minister Mohamad Nasir reminded of the importance of having a national policy on mastering science, technology and innovation.
