Cornelius Helmy
Gally Magido Rangga and Verawati Claudia, Shoes of the Children of the Nation
Gally dan Claudia
Sundanese pop song titled "Layung Beureum" (Red Twilight) was playing cheerfully in the workshop of Wayout shoes in Buah Batu, Bandung, West Java, Monday (23/7/2018). The lyrics described unbearable longing. Through their skillful hands, the Wayout shoes craftsmen yearned for a beautiful twilight.
Established by two friends, Gally Magido Rangga, 35, and Verawati Claudia, 34, Wayout is a leather boot-making business based in Bandung. For eight years now, Wayout has reached many regions. Shoes have also been taken abroad by customers. "The demand reaches 300 pairs per month, still far from production the capability of 100-150 pairs per month," said Gally.
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