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Preventing Students from Getting Dragged Away by the Digital Tsunami

Several students of SMP Tarakanita 3 middle school in Jakarta were having lunch together in the school hall during recess. They sat in groups, chatting and joking. Eighth-grader Putra Agung Jaya said this was way more fun, adding that he agreed with his school’s gadget ban.

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Children use gadgets in Cideng area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (18/7/2018). The use of gadgets by children requires parental supervision, guidance and restrictions to prevent negative impacts from exposure to social media and online games.

On Wednesday (18/7/2018), several students of SMP Tarakanita 3 middle school in Jakarta were having lunch together in the school hall during recess. They sat in groups, chatting and joking.

Eighth-grader Putra Agung Jaya said this was way more fun, adding that he agreed with his school’s gadget ban. “The school provides us with gadgets when we need them so we don’t have to bring ours to school,” Putra said.
