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Govt to Draft Policy to Combat Gadget Addiction

The government has said it would take serious measures to tackle child gadget addiction. Limiting children’s access to gadgets, including banning access to age-inappropriate content and information, is considered a viable path for the government to take in protecting children against gadget addiction across the nation.

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Children play "bricks" on Tuesday (24/7/2018) at the child-friendly integrated community space (RPTRA) at Jakarta’s Komarudin low-cost apartments. The game "bricks", which is available at the RPTRA, can be played by children of all ages and stimulates creativity as an alternative to playing with gadgets.

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The government has said it would take serious measures to tackle child gadget addiction. Limiting children’s access to gadgets, including banning access to age-inappropriate content and information, is considered a viable path for the government to take in protecting children against gadget addiction across the nation.

The government is drafting a policy to limit gadget access to children during school hours. The policy will be an agreement between the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Minister, the Education and Culture Minister, the Religious Affairs Minister and the Communications and Informatics Minister.
