Direction of the Simultaneous Regional Elections
The third iteration of the simultaneous regional elections, which was held on June 27 has ended. This year’s elections for regional heads follows the success of the second simultaneous regional elections on Feb. 15, 2017.
The third iteration of the simultaneous regional elections, which was held on June 27 in 171 autonomous regions (17 provinces, 115 regencies and 39 municipalities), has ended. This year’s elections for regional heads follows the success of the second simultaneous regional elections on Feb. 15, 2017 in 101 autonomous regions (7 provinces, 76 regencies, 18 municipalities), and the inaugural simultaneous regional elections on Dec. 9, 2015 in 269 autonomous regions (9 provinces, 224 regencies, 36 municipalities). However, the steps for structuring our regional elections are not yet over. There is still a long way to go.
The three simultaneous regional elections are a bridge to the simultaneous regional election in November 2024 in 541 autonomous regions (33 provinces, 415 regencies, 93 municipalities). Only in Yogyakarta province are the governor and deputy governor simply determined by the Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD), where Sultan Hamengkubuwono-Pakualam have been entrusted with governing the special region (Law No. 13/2012). In fact, the regional elections will end in 2027.