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EnglishNurkoyah’s Long Journey Home

Nurkoyah’s Long Journey Home

She looked happy. It had been more than 10 years since she last had a chance to enjoy time with her family. Wearing a bright red dress and a black hair cover, Nurkoyah sat on the verandah with Destri, 6, her only granddaughter. She smiled seeing her granddaughter play.

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Nurkoyah (right), 47, shares a light moment with her brother, Sunardi, 33, and her granddaughter, Destri, 6, on the terrace of her house in Kertajaya village, Jayakerta district, Karawang regency, West Java, on Sunday, July 8, 2018. Nurkoyah is a recently returned Indonesian migrant worker. She had been working in Saudi Arabia where she was recently freed from a death sentence. She was found not guilty after being falsely accused of murdering her employer’s child.

Nurkoyah, 47, laughed out loud after returning from a day at Sedari Beach, Karawang, West Java, with her daughter and granddaughter on Sunday (8/7/2018).

She looked happy. It had been more than 10 years since she last had a chance to enjoy time with her family. Wearing a bright red dress and a black hair cover, Nurkoyah sat on the verandah with Destri, 6, her only granddaughter. She smiled seeing her granddaughter play. “I need relaxation to calm my mind,” Nurkoyah said.
