Uncertainty Over Port Access
Tonny Wijaya was astonished, but relieved. The traffic flow to the port in North Jakarta, last weekend, was smooth. Usually, access to the port on Saturdays and Sundays is hell for truck drivers, the backbone of logistics transportation in the country.
Motor vehicles pack Jl. Sulawesi on Friday (13/7/2018) near Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta. Severe congestion in the area around the container port could potentially disrupt import-export activities.
Tonny Wijaya was astonished, but relieved. The traffic flow to the port in North Jakarta, last weekend, was smooth. Usually, access to the port on Saturdays and Sundays is hell for truck drivers, the backbone of logistics transportation in the country.
Traffic flow on Saturday (14/7/2018) was smooth since morning from Jalan Yos Sudarso to Jalan Jampea and up to Cilincing. Traffic began to form just before nightfall in Bogasari on an intersection of Jalan the Cakung-Cilincing road. It stretched for 1.5 kilometers, but it was not classified as a severe traffic jam.
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