Illegal Levies, Middlemen Rampant at Vehicle Test Centers
The investigation team of Kompas daily has found many forms of violations at vehicle roadworthy test centers in a number of cities, including Sleman, Bandung, Tangerang, Cibinong and. Many vehicle owners still pay illegal levies and use middlemen to ensure their vehicles pass the test.
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The investigation team of Kompas daily has found many forms of violations at vehicle roadworthy test (KIR) centers in a number of cities, including Sleman, Bandung, Tangerang, Cibinong and. Many vehicle owners still pay illegal levies and use middlemen to ensure their vehicles pass the test.
At a Vehicle Test Center (PKB) in Bandung, owners or representatives of public transportation companies did not bother paying illegal levies, usually higher than the actual fees, to ensure their buses passed the safety and roadworthy tests.