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Englishβ€ΊOld Network Plans New Attack

Old Network Plans New Attack

The bomb explosion that occurred at a rented house in Pasuruan regency, East Java, is tied to an old terrorist network. The bomb maker is known to be the same person who bombed a police station in Kalimalang, East Jakarta, in 2010. He was planning a new attack.

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Residents watch from beyond a crime scene tape as police conduct an investigation into a series of bomb explosions that occurred on Thursday (5/7/2018) at a rented house on Jl. Papaya in Pogar subdistrict, Bangil district, Pasuruan regency, East Java. Numbered markers on the street show the location of forensic evidence for photographing and gathering in the police investigation.

PASURUAN, KOMPAS β€” The bomb explosion that occurred on Thursday (5/7/2018) at a rented house in Bangil district, Pasuruan regency, East Java, is tied to an old terrorist network. The bomb maker is known to be the same person who bombed a police station in Kalimalang, East Jakarta, in 2010. He was planning a new attack.

The police are collecting information on the network and the new terror plan. β€œWe are investigating,” East Java Police chief Insp. Gen. Machfud Arifin told a press conference on Thursday at the police station.
