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From Preanger to the World

To produce the best coffee, the people of Sunda do not only rely on fertile soil. The behind-the-scenes role of the coffee “masters” has become one of the key supports of the coffee revival.

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A class is held on Sunday (28/1/2018) at the 5758 Coffee Lab barista school in Bandung, West Java. Besides being skilled in brewing coffee, a good barista must know and respect the flavor of each coffee variety.

To produce the best coffee, the people of Sunda do not only rely on fertile soil. The behind-the-scenes role of the coffee “masters” has become one of the key supports of the coffee revival. Thanks to them, Preanger, once an important part of the history of Nusantara coffee, has reemerged and taken off.

Ayi Sutedja used his hoe to dig up the loose soil. The shape of the hole was circular, with a coffee plant placed in the middle. Around it, Ayi sprinkled organic fertilizer made of pine needles. He did the same with dozens of other trees.
