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Robusta Coffee Haj Dream

In the corner of his house on stilts, Hermawan, 41, took out a 1-meter-square wooden box that is over 100 years old. Not much of the carved design remains and the paint has begun to peel off.

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Workers sort dry Robusta beans on Thursday (8/2/2018) at a warehouse in the Way Laga area of Bandar Lampung, Lampung. During harvest season, coffee producers usually increase the number of female workers for sorting coffee beans.

In the corner of his house on stilts, Hermawan, 41, took out a 1-meter-square wooden box that is over 100 years old. Not much of the carved design remains and the paint has begun to peel off. However, for him, the box containing white robes and haj items is a source of excitement to process the family\'s coffee inheritance.

"This box belonged to my grandfather, Haji Syafiรญ, to go to the Holy Land. Iโ€™m not sure of the exact time, around the late 1900s. He boarded a ship for three months, financed from the coffee business," said Hermawan at his home in Liwa, Lampung, February 2018.
