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People Stand United in Safeguarding Houses of Worship

One week after the suicide bombings at three churches and the city police headquarters in Surabaya, locals voluntarily helped police personnel and government officials in safeguarding the houses of worship.

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Joint security officers are on guard at the Indonesian Christian Church on Jalan Diponegoro, Surabaya, Sunday (20/5/2018). The church is one of the three churches which were attacked by the suicide bombers. Maintaining security by involving joint security officers is held in churches in Surabaya to anticipate acts of terrorism.

SURABAYA, KOMPAS – One week after the suicide bombings at three churches and the city police headquarters in Surabaya, East Java, services proceeded safely on Sunday (20/5/2018) at 228 churches in Surabaya and 81 churches in Sidoarjo regency. Locals voluntarily helped police personnel and government officials in safeguarding the houses of worship to ensure congregants’ safety.

Security had been tightened at the 228 churches in Surabaya to anticipate more attacks. Apart from police and military personnel, the security measures also involved members of Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser), the youth wing of the nation’s largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Persebaya Surabaya soccer club fans, known as bonek. This was visible at Saint Mary Immaculate (SMTB) Catholic Church in Ngagel, which was among the three churches targeted in the suicide bombings. The other two churches were the Diponegoro Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) on Jl. Diponegoro and the Surabaya Pentecostal Church (GPPS) on Jl. Arjuno.
