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Moderate Islam Prevents Conflict

Egyptian Al-Azhar Grand Imam  Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayeb advised Muslims in Indonesia and the world to jointly develop moderate religious views.

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Egypt’s Al Azhar Grand Imam Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayeb (left) speaks with Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) chairman Said Aqil Siraq (right) on Wednesday (2/5) at NU’s Jakarta headquarters. The pair discussed Indonesian Islam (Islam Nusantara) as a way to strengthen Islam and to eradicate radical Islam in Indonesia. Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin also attended the meeting.

JAKARTA, KOMPASEgyptian Al-Azhar Grand Imam  Sheikh Ahmad Muhammad Ath-Thayeb advised Muslims in Indonesia and the world to jointly develop moderate religious views. With the idea of promoting moderate views, all groups can respect each other so as to avoid division, conflict and even war.

"We have to look for similarities among different views. Let us become a moderate society and accept differences," said Ath-Thayeb in a dialogue at the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) office in Jakarta, Wednesday (2/5/2018) evening. The discussion was guided directly by PBMU Chairman  KH Said Aqil Siroj.
